Changes, Changes, Changes - Tightening Things Up for Your Health and the Survival of the Shop.

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Recently the barber shop was forced to close for two weeks because of an exposure to CoVid19. A good customer came in for a haircut, was completely symptom free; but unknowingly had been exposed to the virus just three days prior. The day after his haircut, he contacted me that he had developed symptoms and needed to test. His test came back positive and thus began a two week quarantine as I had been exposed to him for more than fifteen minutes.

While I have remained symptom free, I must keep away from customers until the two weeks are up. While the shop has been closed, I have fully cleaned and sanitized all surfaces just as I had been doing. I have also reviewed suggested actions to help prevent a future exposure.

Safety Changes

The shop is open again as of October 21st, 2020 with the following guidelines.

1) All customers must wait in their car until I give you the signal to enter. Entry is only permitted through the back door. Parents may accompany their children into the shop. If you have a visitor, they may come in as well; but the number of people permitted in the shop is limited to just five.


2) Customers (and guests) will have to answer a series of health questions. You may have your temperature taken at the door. Basically if you’re not feeling well, you have sniffles, temperature, cough, etc… Please consider calling the shop to cancel your appointment.

3) Customers (and guests) will be asked if they’ve been out of the state, attended any parties or events with little social distancing within the last fourteen days. If you have been traveling or partying, I am sorry; but your appointment will have to be rescheduled. Everyone in the shop; must wear a facemask at all times. There will be no exceptions.

4) Once your service is complete and paid for, I am sorry; but you may no longer hang around. I must limit conversation so I may clean and sanitize the work area.

5) If you are going to be late, please call the shop to reschedule as timeliness is extremely important. If you are ten minutes late, your appointment will have to be rescheduled.

Service Changes

In order to implement the above safety changes, all appointments are now scheduled for thirty minutes. As a result, the previously shorter services of shape up and buzz cut have been rolled into the haircut service. This means that regardless of your need, all services shall now be $15. If you wish to include a skin fade (Thats a fade shorter than a #1 clipper) or a hard part, there will be an additional $3. fee per add on.

Loyalty Program Discontinued

Effective immediately, I must discontinue the Customer Loyalty Program. This was the program where a customer would get a card punched with each visit and eventually earn a free haircut. I am currently no longer in a position to be able to continue this program. I am deeply sorry for this. Once the CoVid emergency has ended, I hope to revisit this. Please hang onto your loyalty cards.

** This is not the Pre-Paid Loyalty Program. Those of you who graciously helped me out by pre-purchasing haircuts back in March and April will still have your loyalty honored. I greatly appreciate your help to keep the business afloat.

My Appreciation

I am very sorry that these changes must be made; but in order for the barber shop to remain open, I must implement new and different ways of doing business under the current conditions.

You my customers have been loyal to the shop and me throughout this crazy year and I certainly appreciate all your care, concern, prayers, and assistance.

I do hope to see you soon.

